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Clarify Thy Uniqueness Ltd
3 min read
Waiting for Crisis Before Taking Action
It is common to observe that people resist change until they experience a crisis. This shows how difficult it can be for individuals and...
Clarify Thy Uniqueness Ltd
2 min read
Creating a More Meaningful Life
What is meaning? Meaning in psychology generally refers to a significant or valuable explanation for why something happened or why it...
Clarify Thy Uniqueness Ltd
2 min read
Why are People Scared to Learn about Managing their Emotions
We experience many emotions daily. Some are 'positive' whilst most are 'negative'. We would want to experience desired emotions most of...
Nelly Kwasinwi
3 min read
How To Cultivate Self-Awareness?
5 ways to become more self-aware. Self-awareness involves monitoring our stress, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It is important,...
Clarify Thy Uniqueness Ltd
2 min read
Why Social Norms & Expectations Exist?
Social norms and expectations serve several important functions within a society. These unwritten rules and standards contribute to the...
Nelly Kwasinwi
2 min read
How Social Norms & Expectations Hinder Personal Development
Social norms and expectations are the unwritten rules and standards that guide behaviour within a society or a specific social group. ...
Clarify Thy Uniqueness Ltd
4 min read
Stranger amongst your Loved Ones!
Have you ever felt like a stranger? Even so amongst your loved ones, those you are familiar with, those you think you know too well?...
Nelly Kwasinwi
4 min read
Feeling Stuck Inside?
Feeling stuck is a common human experience and not necessarily a permanent state. According to the Daily News, a global study finds 78%...
Nelly Kwasinwi
2 min read
Does anyone look for happiness?
Does anyone look for happiness? People are unhappy, irritable, depressed, or lost sometimes or most times. #ChristianRigg’s article on...
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